Friday, November 2, 2012

About Peerbackup

Almost forgot about it. What's this blog about?
I'm writing a program to backup remotely files between peers. The idea is simple: I want to backup my files automatically to some remote place and I don't want to rely in private companies to store them.
Here's how it should work: a group of people install the program and agree in dedicating an amount of hard drive space to store each others encrypted files. The program runs in background mode, as a daemon, and detects changes in original files synchronizing them in the remote backup.
So, i need to learn about communications, cryptography and filesystems.
The project is free software and resides in github (
Don't expect it to be useful in near future. It's a project for learning, so I'm sure I will make lots of silly mistakes.
Of course, help and guidance would be much appreciated.

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